There are few things more disappointing than going to a dentist for a solution to your troublesome teeth issue, only to come out with a bigger problem. Not only was your tooth issue not fixed, but now you’ll need more money to fix the bigger issue.
This is known as dental malpractice. It could either be that the dentist might have done something unprofessional during the procedure that caused you serious harm, or whatever they did deviate from what a competent and trained dentist would do. And according to Dane Levy, who is a dental malpractice attorney in Los Angeles: “you, as the victim, have every right to be compensated for your dentist’s mistake.”
But if you want to sue your dentist, then it is important for you first to confirm whether the case will qualify as malpractice or not. If you’re taking the matter to court, then you should have strong evidence to back up your claim. However, there is no specific answer to when you should sue your dentist for dental malpractice. There are some general scenarios, but for the most part, it depends entirely on your individual and unique case.
That’s why the best way to find your answer is to directly contact a dental malpractice attorney and share your case with them. According to Dane Levy, only a skilled and certified dental malpractice attorney will be able to give you a solid idea about whether your case qualifies for a lawsuit and how you should proceed with it.
If you’re looking for lawyers who deal with dental malpractice cases in Los Angeles, you can contact attorney Dane Levy, who has a decent history of success in dental malpractice cases.